
Cobra Kai


Tientallen jaren na het toernooi dat hun leven veranderde, ontbrandt de rivaliteit tussen Johnny en Daniel opnieuw in deze sequel op de 'Karate Kid'-films.

Er komt grof taalgebruik voor in dit seizoen. Dit kunnen grove woorden zijn, schuttingtaal, schelden of vloeken. Kinderen kunnen hier een voorbeeld aan nemen en het nadoen of overnemen.
De productie bevat discriminerende uitingen of gedrag. Hierin wordt een bepaalde groep als minderwaardig afgeschilderd. Seksisme of vrouwonvriendelijkheid valt ook onder discriminatie. Discriminerende uitingen kunnen als nastrevenswaardig worden gezien of kunnen bijdragen aan negatieve beeldvorming.

Wat zit er nog meer in?
  - Fysiek geweld en (be)dreiging met geweld

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Cobra Kai

Tientallen jaren na het toernooi dat hun leven veranderde, ontbrandt de rivaliteit tussen Johnny en Daniel opnieuw in deze sequel op de 'Karate Kid'-films.

Productiejaar 2018 Organisatie Netflix

12 years

When children are between 10 and 12 years old, they start to look differently at the world around them. Still, children around this age are more easily affected by content than teenagers.

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Coarse language

Coarse language consists of cussing and cursing, suggestive terms or sexual expletives. Children may imitate the use of offensive language and even incorporate it in their vocabulary.

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Discrimination is any expression that suggests (a group of) people are 'inferior' in some way, for example on the basis of skin colour, religion, sexuality, sex or gender, nationality or ethnicity. If a production contains discrimination and the discriminatory action is not immediately condemned, the icon for discrimination is depicted.

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When children see violence, it can make them aggressive, scared or desensitized to violence. The chance at these kind of effects is influenced by a few things, like: how realistic is the violence? Is there blood or gore? Is violence rewarded? 

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Scary images can frighten children, make them restless or even cause long-term effects like nightmares. The effects vary depending on the viewer and the viewer's age. 

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Children and teens that are in the middle of their (sexual) development, are not always ready to see sexual scenes. They may also be unable to interpret them correctly. Kijkwijzer takes this into consideration. How explicit a sex scene is determines the final age rating.

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Smoking, alcohol and drugs

If hard drugs are used in a production - or (a lot of) alcohol, soft drugs or tobacco - the Kijkwijzer icon for smoking, alcohol and drugs is depicted. Teenagers can start to see the use as something that's normal, or even as something worth trying. 

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